
Cinema Beyond The Bridge Of No Return: Legacy Of A Korean War Veteran

Beyond the Bridge of No Return: Legacy of a Korean War Veteran country USA


Directed by: Sultan Sharrief
Country: USA
Because of the war south korea is free, so a job half well done.


I'm a Korean-American whose family lived through this brutal war. I'm grateful for America's support. Without it, I wouldn't be here in America. I'd either be in a prison camp or dead because my grandfather escaped to the South when the commies confiscated his farmland. Thank you US troops. I, along with millions of Koreans, and the nation of South Korea are so grateful for your service. May our alliance never falter. I'm proud to be an American citizen.

The trailer should have been more direct : china vs korea who wins lol. The BBC is known for its own bias' it is not exempt. Thanks alot, America. Puerto Rico's 65th Infantry Borinqueneers played a big role on this.


South Korea and Japan are what happens when we stay. Vietnam and Iraq are what happens when we leave. If china did not meddling in usa annihilation of north korea,there will be no north one korea a democracy country. As korean,really thanks to USA France England Turkey Philippine Ethiopia. Anquil. Feeling complete.☮. I love these Why did America fight. series. Instead of explaining why America fought, this guy just picks a side and praises his political ideas.

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